Online platforms: The future of recruitment

Recruitment is an evolving industry. If you want to stay up to date with the latest trends and innovations, you need to understand the opportunities that are available with online recruitment platforms.


By Dané Viljoen on Fri Mar 25 2022

Online platforms have gained popularity for finding solutions to previous recruitment hassles and maximising what you can get out of the process. To understand these solutions offered, you first need to have a look at where the traditional recruitment methods started.

Traditional recruitment

Traditional methods relied on physical paper CVs being dropped off at hiring companies, which later evolved into emailed CV applications as a recruiting starting point.

With both these methods, there is a significant amount of manual input involved.

Most of the manual input starts with filtering through sent CVs, organising, and then identifying relevant candidates. Even once these steps have been done, none of the candidates has gone through the first personal screening or interview process yet. In turn, the manual input leads to further shortcomings in turnover time and resources.

If you are still relying on these types of methods, you should consider the benefits that online platforms have to offer.

Online platforms

Recruitment automation

Technological advancements have allowed platforms to create automation for the majority of the recruitment process. These automation features can include the screening, sorting and scheduling of potential candidates.

Online platforms allow for larger-scale adaptability to technological advancements. As new technology, trends or features become available within the recruitment sector, online platforms can adapt or incorporate these changes. This in itself allows for greater innovation possibilities. Adaptability is crucial for any business to compete and compare in today's economy.

Online platform integration

Integration possibilities are one of the major benefits of online recruiting. A well-structured integration option will allow you to add programs that you are already using, such as your payroll software.

Depending on the data capturing features available, there are also possibilities of generated reporting. Reporting can be a great benefit for larger scale companies to compare resources spent and to adapt. For example, the cost of new employees vs keeping employees.

From a marketing perspective, your candidate reach can largely be expanded through social sharing. These sharing abilities can even be direct from your online platform and can easily direct candidates towards your recruitment efforts.

Custom feature building

Some platforms may even allow for custom feature building if you have specific needs to your process that are currently not offered. If custom feature building is something your company will most likely need, make sure you select a company that will be able to meet your requirements. Alternatively, make sure that there is not a company available that already has the features that you are looking for.

Personalised recruitment

Online platforms have also put thought into a personal approach to what seems to be a more impersonal process. Features like video applications allow for a more personal first impression of a candidate, as opposed to a simple CV application. A further step from video applications will be online interviews. This can be a great first interview concept, or a final interview if your company is more remote working orientated.

All these developments allow for your business to cut down on their time-to-hire, freeing more resources and overall better recruitment.

Job seekers and online platforms

Online recruitment also holds several benefits for the job seeker where traditional recruitment methods were lacking. Being able to apply online for jobs creates a larger accessibility option for the majority of job seekers and can even save money.

One of the biggest application complaints from job seekers can also be addressed through online recruitment, as the ability to send automatic responses with feedback to applicants is simplified.